
Special Edition: Barry Green in Australia
Read Here!
October 2024 Theme: Music Camps and Summer Activities
The Australian Music Centre
Five tips for ornamenting baroque music
Young Bach detectives
And lots more!
Next year AUSTA turns 50! We want to celebrate this achievement so the theme for the entire year, 2025, will be AUSTA.
If you have a great story about how AUSTA has transformed your teaching, playing, connecting etc. we want to hear about it. If you are turning 50 in the same year, we would like to interview you. If you have some fabulous reminiscences about AUSTA over the last 50 years, please share them with us.
The National Conference will also take place in 2025. Any articles about previous AUSTA conferences will be enthusiastically accepted.
The deadline for the next issue is Friday 31 January 2025
AUSTA now publishes four issues of Stringendo each year. Efforts are made to reflect the wide range of interests of our members and to bring us into contact with our international colleagues. We believe that we help shrink the distance between Australians living in remote areas. A portion of membership subscriptions is allocated to funding Stringendo.
Each issue contains news, reviews, letters, comments and several substantial articles on topics of interest to players, teachers and makers of stringed instruments.
Guidelines for Contributors & Advertisers:
AUSTA Publications
Responsibility for production of AUSTA national publications rests with the National Editorial Board. The Board produces two journal editions of Stringendo each calendar year, containing a mixture of contributed material, invited articles, news, reviews and short commentaries. The Board welcomes contributions from its readers, but inclusion of material in its publications is the sole prerogative of the Editor. Please note the following guidelines.
All contributions should be sent to the National Editor.
Types of contributions sought:
- Information and brief news items
- Major articles likely to be of interest to members (1350 words)
- Scholarly articles (2000 words)
- Reviews/reports of conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., offering thoughtful and reflective accounts of personal experiences (700 words)
- Reviews of new string music, publications, recordings and concerts
- Viewpoints expressing personal opinion (max. 550 words)
- Authors of major articles must provide an electronic copy in Word format by email to the Editor:
- Authors should include a two-sentence biography of themselves.
- Articles should be in straightforward, concise English.
- Photographs, musical examples and other illustrated material must be sharply in focus and may be submitted in colour or black and white sent electronically as a tif, jpg or pdf file.
- Permission and sources for all images have been sought and acknowledged where possible. If the copyright owner is known but identified in the magazine, please contact the Editor immediately.
- Copyright belongs to the author. However, the Editor reserves the right to first publication of any written material. The Editor reserves the right to edit submissions in the interests of clarity and available space.
- No material will be returned to the contributor, whether published or not.
- For further information, please contact the National Editor –
Advertising in Stringendo
If you are interested in promoting products to the Australian market through Stringendo, please contact National Administrator Emily using the below link.
We now accept online bookings for Stringendo Advertising. Please use the link here: ONLINE BOOKING FORM
Reviews in Stringendo
If you have published/written a book, sheet music, DVD or CD, or have a concert you wish to have reviewed, please contact the Reviews Editor Mary Nemet using the below link.
For information on other advertising opportunities, please click HERE.