AUSTA News 2025
2025 Advertising Opportunities
2025 Advertising Opportunities Stringendo Email advertising Social Media Advertising National Conference Sponsorship & Trade Stringendo We are thrilled to announce that in 2025 Stringendo will continue in the new online format. We will release FOUR editions each year, roughly in line with school terms. Stringendo Online offers a streamlined advertising opportunity to provide maximum exposure for your company. Stringendo advertising opportunities include: A4 Colour Front inside cover Half page (landscape) Quarter page (portrait) Front cover including feature article SIZE: It is important to follow size specifications for your advertisement. A4 – colour – A4 210mm wide x 297mm high –…
Book Purchase: Molto AUSTA
Molto Austa: a historical overview of the Australian Strings Association Susan Pierotti The Australian Strings Association (AUSTA) has a diverse membership of teachers, students, players and makers of stringed instruments. AUSTA began with a few enthusiastic string teachers at a seminar in 1975. It rapidly developed thriving chapters in all states, delivered workshops and conferences, and organised tours by overseas guest artists and tours overseas by AUSTA members. It has survived fluctuating membership numbers, financial pressures and the opening and closing of state chapters. Its members have learnt new skills and adapted to modern technology and global virus outbreaks. It…
On Demand: AMEB Viola Preliminary – Grade 4: A Deep Dive into the New Syllabus
AUSTA On Demand AMEB Viola Preliminary – Grade 4: A Deep Dive into the New Syllabus Purchase access to watch a recording of this webinar with Helen Tuckey and Janet Fernandes, two of the AMEB’s viola consultants for the new series 2 syllabus that was recorded on 27 October 2024. Helen introduces the new viola Technical Work book, giving insights into the underlying framework of the book and many practical tips and hints on preparing students for examination. Janet discusses the levels of difficulty within each list from Preliminary to Grade 4 and give her rationale for the choice of…
Position Available: National Accounts Manager
NATIONAL ACCOUNTS MANAGER AUSTA is seeking a vibrant and suitably qualified National Accounts Manager to assist in the management of the association. The Australian Strings Association (AUSTA) is a professional association of teachers, players and makers of bowed string instruments which promotes excellence in all aspects of performance, teaching, conducting and string instrument making. AUSTA aims to inspire and support students, amateurs and professionals and also to facilitate communication at local, national and international levels. The AUSTA Accounts Manager coordinates and facilitates the management of National and Chapter finances as well as manages statutory requirements to ensure efficiency within the…
Stringendo 46-3 Barry Green Special Edition
Stringendo: Volume 46, Number 3 – Barry Green Special Edition Barry Green in Australia – Special Edition First stop – Sydney Barry in Brisbane Barry’s bass in Adelaide Barry does Western Australia Barry’s last stop – Victoria Reading Stringendo online Click on the four arrows on the bottom right of the screen to read a full screen version of Stringendo Click on the right side of the right page to turn the page. Double Click anywhere on the page to increase the size. Double Click again to return to default size. Click and hold the mouse, then move to the…
AUSTA Q Reading Day 2025
AUSTA Q Reading Day 2025 Call for Scores from local composers for the 2025 Reading Day When: Sunday 9 February 2025 The purpose of the Reading Day is to present works for school string orchestras. Composers should bear this in mind. Due to the overwhelming response of composers wishing to present works at the Reading Day, all composers who wish to have works considered for inclusion in the 2025 Reading Day will need to follow the following procedures: ALL COMPOSERS (established or new) should email Daniel Holloway by Thursday 2 January 2025 with a request to have their works included. Please copy the table below by copying…
AUSTA National Conference 2025
AUSTA Golden Jubilee National Conference 2025 SYDNEY 11 – 13 July 2025 Present at the AUSTA National Conference in 2025 at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and submit your conference presentation proposal here… AUSTA Golden Jubilee Conference, Sydney July 11-13 2025 Supporting teachers, advancing players, inspiring artistry, building connection AUSTA’s 2025 Golden Jubilee conference at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music celebrates the history and vision of a professional community that has transformed the life and work of string players, teachers and makers in Australia for half a century. Connecting Australian string players, industry, teachers, learners and parents AUSTA advances artistry,…
Reading Day 2024
Calling composers, string teachers and players! Tickets! AUSTA NSW is bringing back an exciting event to our calendar- a Reading Day to present new repertoire and introduce you to exciting new music trends for your school string orchestras and youth orchestras heading into 2025. We are calling out to local composers to make submissions for works to be presented, alongside some other preselected repertoire from both the Australian Music Centre and AUSTA. Composers: Composers who wish to have works considered for inclusion in the 2024 Reading Day will need to purchase a ticket via and then submit works via this…
Strike A Chord Grand Final 2024
Strike A Chord is a competition where school-age performers passionate about chamber music experience the joy of playing in groups and compete for cash prizes. Witness the judges’ top 12 groups from across Australia, selected from a record-breaking 155 entries. Join us for a phenomenal afternoon of music and discover future stars at this truly unique event. Celebrate the vibrant future of chamber music with Musica Viva Australia. Saturday 31 August, 2pm Melbourne Recital Centre and Livestream! Book Tickets Register for Livestream Meet the Grand Finalists Aneres Piano Trio, VIC The Astra Octet, NSW The Fritzi Trio, NSW The Frosty…
The solo double bass: pride or prejudice
The solo double bass: pride or prejudice written by Barry Green This article originally appeared in Stringendo Volume 46 Number 1 April 2024. All images provided by Barry Green. Barry Green is the AUSTA International Touring Artist in July and August 2024. Learn more about where you can see Barry here. Why is it that, in jazz or classical circles, the idea of listening to a bassist playing a solo ranks about as desirable as being forced to eat lima beans or spinach? I have no doubt that, in general, the public is more attracted to eating pizza, hamburger and…
AUSTA National Touring Artist: Barry Green
AUSTA National Touring Artist 2024 Barry Green Barry Green (USA), world-class double bassist, best-selling author, and renowned educator, is touring Australia from July to August as AUSTA’s National Touring Artist for 2024. Double bass virtuoso Barry Green is the author of three bestselling books that explore the philosophy of music, the mind, and spirit: The Inner Game of Music (Doubleday, 1986), The Mastery of Music: Ten Pathways to True Artistry (Broadway/Doubleday, 2003), and Bringing Music to Life (GIA, 2009). He has also written three bass method books, produced numerous solo recordings, and created unique multimedia concert programs. From July 5…
ESTA UK Summer School
ESTA UK Summer School August 4 – 9 2024 ASTA members, AUSTA members, ESTA members and friends are warmly invited to attend the ESTA UK Summer School. Held at Dean Close School, in the historic English town of Cheltenham, on the edge of the Cotswolds. Presenters include world class string educators including Steve Bingham, Sarah Crooks, Chris Haigh, Glyn Oxley, Michelle Falcon, James Halsey and Dr Simon Jones. During the week, delegates will learn about klezmer, rock, jazz, technique, baroque style and much more! In addition to playing and learning, Henry George will be leading classes on Alexander Technique and…
EBM Coverlink Insurance Partnership
EBM CoverLink offers AUSTA members access to an exclusive insurance offer that applies whether your instrument is at home or in transit. Benefits include: instrument covered whether it is at home or in transit no claim discount (if no claims made during past 3 years) free climatic conditions cover (if instrument is under $100,000) reduced broker fee from $90.00 to $50.00 p/y support in the event of a claim. Read more about how to access this offer here (please note, you must be logged in to the website and a current member to access this offer.) For more information contact EBM CoverLink on 1300…
AUSTA 2025 National Conference Questionaire
Dear AUSTA colleagues, We are excited that our upcoming AUSTA National Conference will be hosted in Sydney, NSW on 11-13th July 2025. To make this conference inspiring and enlightening we would love to get feedback from you and all AUSTA members through this short 10-minute survey HERE. We want to better understand your needs and your vision for the conference. Each submission will be placed in a lucky draw to win prizes. Do not miss out on the lucky draw and ensure your feedback reaches us on time by 19th March. We look forward to reading your feedback and seeing you at the conference next year. Goetz Richter (NSW…
Social Media Manager – Job Description
NATIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER AUSTA is seeking a vibrant and suitably qualified Social Media Manager to coordinate our online presence as a leader in the Australian strings community. The successful candidate will be required to manage social media accounts such as Facebook and LinkedIn, providing regular engaging content on the National and State pages. They will regularly liaise with State presidents, the National Advertising Manager and the National Administrator to gather timely content and ensure that followers remain informed, with a view to encouraging members to attend online and in-person events, and for new members to join the association. You…
2023 AGM
The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Strings Association Limited (AUSTA) will be held on Thursday November 23 at 8.00 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time. Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held online via Zoom on Thursday November 23 at 8:00 pm ADT. Members who would like to participate should contact Emily (AUSTA National Administrator) by email for access to the relevant Zoom links. The audited financial statements will be made available to members on the website prior to the meeting. Members who would like to nominate a proxy can use the form…
ATO Resources for Performing Artists & Teachers
ATO Resources for Performing Artists & Teachers June 2023 It’s almost show time! Tax time is right around the corner. Not sure what deductions to claim as a performing artist? Well, good news, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have shared some helpful tips and resources to give you a hand! For Performing Artists ‘To claim, or not to claim?’ From agent fees, to travel expenses – the ATO’s tailored occupation guide for Performing artists helps you understand what you can and can’t claim in your tax return. It also covers the income and allowances you’ll need to declare, and the…